Thursday, September 27, 2007

The potent power of proposals

In the old days, I'd lug my book around and do a dog and pony show with my work meticulously mounted to 16” x 20” black boards. It’s how they taught me to do it in art school. What they didn’t teach me was how to whip up a proper proposal.

I can’t remember the last time I showed my portfolio to a prospect. It’s sitting there in the corner gathering dust. What wins work these days are my proposals. As a matter of fact, if I get to the point of doing a project proposal, nine times out of ten, I’ll land the gig.

For a lot of folks, writing a proposal is often wrought with angst. Where to start? What to include? Don’t sweat it. You’ve come to the right place. I’m going to walk you through the process so you’ll be whipping out potent proposals that close the big deals.

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